Tuesday, August 2, 2016

Mass intered the Market, But they have very little Knowledge : Regmi

Amrit Regmi is a Expert of Neplease stock market . He know all information about the listed companies . Now, neplease stock market all time high. Almost one year stock market continuously increase .
So, I ask many question about stock market to Regmi .  What do you thing about Neplease stock market ? Market will increase more ? Market will goes down ? In one year, market index almost double. It is natural ? What type of stock and company still good to buy share?  .He just answer one time  and he write to me .

Regmi Answer to me :

It is growing but mass have interred in the stock Market.They have very little Knowledge about the movement of Capital Market.

If you just remember the days it was begin it has a history of crash in early fifties,late fifties and mid Sixties.
No other Financial areas have grown up and if only one side is growing, then I can't call it Natural .
Life Insurances only selective and Non Life Insurance also selective and Financial institutions with 40%or more EPS are still can be consider as good.
I am running early 80es.So those friends who are more current can tell you more in details.My best wishes will always be with you.

Regards,Amrit Regmi

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